Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Causes and effects of the Global warming

Global warming, there are many causes and effects related to global warming. In my essay I am going to talk about most important causes and effects.

 Smoke from Factories. It produces lots of smoke that effects the ozone layer.

 CO2 from cars. It produces lots of exhaust.

 Volcanoes. It not so dangerous like others.

 Burning waste. It is so dangerous because it produce smoke.

 Forest Fires. Happens a lot and that produce unbelievable amount of smoke.

 Deforestation. It doesn’t cause a lot of smoke.

 Rich countries only consider the economy. Money is more important for them than the global warming.

 Cigarette/shisha smoke. Lot of people are smoking nowadays, and that’s a really big amount of smoke if you picture it.

 Burning fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels are really dangerous.

 Airplanes& space missions. Airplanes causes smoke and the space missions all use a lot of fuels.

 Large hole in the ozone layer. The sun heat will not be reflected.

 Overpopulation. This causes all the causes above.

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