Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Global Warming Increase

Global warming is a term that started to spread out in past 50years, scientist started talking and stating facts about the definition of global warming, and wither it is really occurring or not. What are the reasons of it? And how could we eliminate them to reduce the speed of global warming? In this essay a definition of global warming will be given, the reason behind it and a way to reduce its speed.

Global warming is the increase of temperature of the air near the earth surface. Some signs of global warming can be easily recognized, such as glaciers melting, change in temperate in arctic and Antarctic, oceans warming, coral leaf bleaching, spread of disease, droughts and fires and much more. The causes of global warming are volcanic emissions, solar activity but mostly green house gases. Greenhouse gases some occur naturally in the atmosphere and the rest are due to human's activity. The greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and nitrous oxide.

The whole process of global warming doesn't only affect the earth temperature or surface, but it also has a huge impact on us humans. People leaving on costal lands are suffering from the increase in sea level which causes in destroying their houses and making it harder for them to survive. Hurricanes are getting stronger an example of that is hurricane Katrina. Another example of how global warming have series affect is what happened in Europe is the European heat waves that killed around 35,000 people.

All in all, everyone nowadays understands global warming and the terrible effect it has on the glob and on humans and animals. Media has focused a lot on global warming to create awareness between people, but still their effort didn’t create any change. We should all share the responsibility and try our best in reducing the speed of the global warming by many different ways.

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